Exactly why we adore comfort sex


When we read Good Sex Movies -related literature online or in self-help books, we frequently hear people discuss experimenting, trying new things in the bedroom, and finding novel ways to pass the time while in bed. But what if the story were to change? What if you chose a romantic encounter that made you feel incredibly at ease, as opposed to a one-night stand or a new romantic alliance that makes you want to doodle on every surface of the house? Essentially, this is comfort sex.

Comfort Sex: What Is It? Comfort sex occurs when we find a partner who not only makes us feel secure, close, and connected, but also inspires a sense of comfort and familiarity. This person might be your spouse, a friend with benefits, a partner, or even you! As a result, you don't experience the usual jitters and butterflies that come with sleeping with a new partner. Instead, you feel relaxed and at ease.

It's not necessary for comfort sex to be shocking. In fact, it's not even necessary for there to be penetration or climax. Just the chance to experience that sense of safety and momentarily disconnect from the outside world. Arousal may also be a factor in this type of sex, and it can result in orgasms that are truly amazing. There are no restrictions on how you can enjoy comfort sex.

Why is comfort sex important? It often takes a while for people, especially women, to develop a level of trust and intimacy with someone to the point where they feel sexually at ease. It's true that many women require a feeling of security and closeness in order to climax, and that slow, sensual foreplay is frequently the key to releasing a woman's orgasmic potential. All of this is made possible by the environment provided by comfort sex.

Both partners feel seen, safe, and at ease enough to give in to sexual bliss as a result of this lovely fusion of cuddling and sex. It's a way to relax both sexually and emotionally. According to sex therapist Michael Seiler, Ph.D., people engage in sexual activity for a variety of reasons, one of which is to feel comforted and at ease. Comfort sex offers people the chance to feel sustained rather than having gotten a "quick fix" in this way.

Comfort sex has the additional advantage of being completely customizable. Some people may enjoy particular sexual behaviors but are too self-conscious or shy to express their desires to potential partners. With someone they know and trust nearby, some people might feel more comfortable engaging in their preferred form of pleasure. This once more shows that comfort sex has the amazing ability to let people feel emotionally and sexually free, which may result in a blissful orgasm.

However, one could only engage in comfort sex with oneself. No partner is required for comfort sex. When someone practices self-love, they might feel the most at ease and be able to calm themselves. Being sensual and masturbating with ourselves is one of the most effective forms of self-care, and we are the only ones who truly understand our bodies.

 We are aware of the things that make us feel happy, safe, at ease, and secure. As a result, comfort sex may seem quite predictable to some people, but this is okay. Comfort sex is always a wonderful place to return to. A sex life with variety can be fantastic, and it can also keep the magic alive when things seem dull. This is because you can count on feeling good after doing it. Why does comfortable sex feel so good? The Biology Behind Comfort Sex The brain is the most potent sex organ, and our thoughts, feelings, and experiences all have a significant impact on how we experience pleasure.

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