Why do some men enjoy being cuckolded | Vietnam Sex Movies

I'm a married, white, bisexual man who lives in a sizable Midwestern city. I'm 35 years old. I'm interested in learning more about my psyche from a sex research standpoint. For years, I've been fixated on fantasizing about being my female partner's cuckold. Being creative, I particularly enjoy having creative fantasies in bed, and my partner does too. Vietnam Sex Movies

However, I'm usually making up stories about her fucking other men, whether it's in a trio, cuckolding while I watch, or going on dates and returning home a delicious mess. When I prompted her to talk about past victims she had fucked, these fantasies took an unexpected turn. She complied, and holy crap, was I smitten. She feels there is not much to share because she did not have many wonderful sexual experiences in the past, which is the only unfortunate aspect.

Anyway, our sexual relationship is fantastic and I have no remorse about having these fantasies or how excited her memories make us feel. Just wondering  why    it makes me feel so hot. Although I am aware that others have similar kinks, mine seem to go against heteronormative expectations of what should turn me on. Any thoughts? Every fling is Enhanced by Fantasies.

Questions like "Why am I like this?" are always dead ends, according to clinical psychologist, author, and sex researcher Dr. David Ley. When the truth is, at least for now, we really don't know why people have any of the particular sexual fantasies they do, we "create rich, satisfying stories that are really just a form of mental masturbation—no bust on masturbation.

(Dr. Ley actually authored Insatiable Wives: Women Who Stray and The Men Who Love Them, a book on cuckolding.) The "sperm competition" theory was once a common explanation for why being cuckolded might turn a man on—specifically, why knowing that his wife or girlfriend had fucked (or was fucking) someone else in front of him might turn a guy on.

To sum up quickly: When he mates with his female partner for the second time, a man who believes his female partner recently had sex with another man—and whose reptile brain believes the other man's semen may be "present" inside her—will experience a more potent and voluminous orgasm in an effort to "flood out" his competitor's semen.

Many sex researchers once believed that male cuckolds and swingers unwittingly induced "sperm competition" reactions, i.e., they were after the more potent orgasms. Due to the inability to consistently reproduce many of these findings, Dr. Ley lamented that a large portion of the research on sperm competition is now questionable.

Therefore, to some extent, we are now stating that "it is complicated, everyone is different, and there are no simple answers." And now that we've said that, FREED, Dr. Ley, who has worked with numerous cuckold couples, has seen trends and is prepared to offer some competing theories of his own. XHUB.TV



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