How masturbation affects your health


In addition to being pleasurable, masturbation has a number of positive effects on your health and wellbeing, including improved sleep, improved mood, and stress reduction. Masturbation, which involves touching the genitalia or other delicate body parts for the purpose of evoking arousal or pleasure, is a common practice. Masturbation is a healthy and safe way to experience pleasure and let go of stored-up sexual tension. Vietnamese porn movies

People from all backgrounds, genders, and races experience it. In fact, according to one study of senior citizens, between 27 and 40 percent of women and 41 to 65 percent of men admitted to masturbating in the previous month. In spite of popular belief, masturbation has no negative physical side effects. Masturbation that is excessive or compulsive can occasionally be harmful or indicate other mental health issues. Masturbation is typically a fun, normal, and healthy act. 

Learn more about the possible health advantages of masturbation, as well as myths, side effects, and more, by reading the rest of this article. Masturbation is a sexual activity that is healthy. Your physical and mental health may both benefit from it. Studies on the advantages of masturbation are scarce, but there are studies on sexual stimulation and intercourse. 

Masturbation, as well as other forms of sexual stimulation, may benefit you in the following ways, according to research and anecdotal evidence: Married women who masturbated reported having more orgasms, higher self-esteem, increased sexual desire, and greater satisfaction with their marriage and sex life, according to a 2015 study. Additionally, couples may engage in mutual masturbation to satisfy their various desires and prevent pregnancy. When compared to having sex with a partner, self-pleasuring also aids in the prevention of STDs (STIs).

Though doctors are unsure of the exact reason, some research suggests that regular ejaculation may reduce the risk of prostate cancer. A higher frequency of ejaculation was linked to a lower risk of prostate cancer, according to a 2016 cohort study with 31,925 participants and 18 years of follow-up. A 2016 review of recent literature found that 44% of studies looked at reported a similar relationship between frequent ejaculation and a lower risk of prostate cancer. However, there is no proof that ejaculating frequently guards against advanced prostate cancer, necessitating further study. Some pregnant women experience increased sexual desire as a result of hormonal changes during pregnancy. The safest way to relieve sexual tension while pregnant is to masturbate. 

Self-gratification may also lessen pregnancy side effects like lower back pain. During and after an orgasm, you might experience mild, erratic cramping or Braxton-Hicks contractions. They ought to disappear. Contact a doctor right away if the contractions don't stop or get worse and more frequent. The risk of early labor could potentially be increased by orgasm, so some women with high-risk pregnancies may occasionally be advised to refrain from sexual activity. Research, though, is contradictory. The act of masturbating has no negative side effects. However, some individuals might experience issues with chronic masturbation or guilt over masturbation.

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