"A few way to improve clitoral sensitivity | Sub Sex Movies


About 40 million women in America suffer from female sexual dysfunction. Many factors can prevent women and transgender people from having orgasms or experiencing sexual gratification. Clitoral insensitivity is one particular factor, though, that may cause this. Here are a few causes for the clitoris to become less sensitive as well as potential treatments. Sub Sex Movies

Clitoral Insensitivity's Causes Hormonal issues may be the most frequent cause of the clitoris losing sensitivity to stimulation, which can lead to a poor sexual experience or failure to orgasm. It might come as a surprise to learn that the clitoris performs many of the same functions as the penis. The clitoris becomes erect when stimulated as the area fills with blood.

To support this process and sensitize the area, though, a balanced ratio of prostaglandins, estrogen, and testosterone is necessary. Nitric oxide production from the nerve endings in the clitoris is also necessary to move the tissues. Reduced clitoral sensations and even pain may be felt by a person with low levels of the required hormones if nitric oxide levels are also low. Hormone levels that are reduced or out of balance can result from a variety of factors.

Because hormone levels tend to decline as we age, age is frequently to blame. Additionally, birth control can disrupt a person's natural body chemistry, resulting in imbalances that lessen clitoral sensitivity. Drugs and systemic conditions like diabetes can also be harmful. Physical trauma is another factor that may cause the clitoris to lose some of its sensitivity.

Overuse is one simple cause that could lead to this. For instance, excessive use of a vibrator can harm the vaginal nerves and cause desensitization. Bicycling, vaginal surgery, spinal cord injuries, and direct impacts to the groin are some additional causes of physical trauma. The cause of the issue will determine the most effective course of treatment for clitoral insensitivity.

If low or unbalanced hormone levels are the cause of the problem, actions to raise or balance levels can improve clitoris sensitivity. The use of hormone replacement therapy can accomplish this. For instance, patches or pills can be used to increase low testosterone. Certain foods may replace or stimulate the production of deficient hormones, which may be advantageous for people who want to avoid taking medication or who may be concerned about drug interactions.

Foods made from soy are a good source of phytoestrogen, which works similarly to estrogen. For a few reasons, being overweight can also cause clitoral insensitivity. First, higher levels of testosterone, a vital sex hormone, are linked to excess fat. The risk of type-2 diabetes is also increased by being overweight or obese. XHUB.TV




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